Sometimes life just turns topsy-turvy.
Over the past few weeks mine has. While I was looking very smugly at the future earlier with a certain idea as to how its going to shape up, I am looking at it with a sense of wonder as to how quickly things can change and how one should never plan too far ahead lest everything comes unstuck.
1. Moved to a new apartment. With rents out here touching new heights, I have taken a shady place and made it live-able by making some investments
2. Moved to a new office, out of the dump we were in previously. Fantastic place.
3. Developed a new hobby of resuscitating very old computers and making them work-able again (I am talking of 486 -level machines with 4 (as in 1-2-3-4) MB of RAM.) Fun stuff
4. Made a few new friends
5. Almost lost a few old friends
6. In the process of taking up abstinence
7. Broke.... :)
8. Really pressed for time. None for blogging, books, cricket...even friends