Boys love toys.
This particular boy's love for toys by Apple (as my long-suffering friends know) is particularly intense.
I had been lusting after an iPod for a long while but for various reasons I never came round to buying one. Well, finally I have one and its a beauty. What you see is my brand new iPod (and my left hand...). What you don't is the song its playing, "Rammstein: Eskimos and Egypt"
This funny thing happened today. I was sitting at this restaurant, drinking my Iced Lemon tea, reading my news-paper and generally minding my business. In the table in-front of me and facing me was this nice guy. He was enjoying his cup of tea very visibly and was going slow on sipping it. He was also generally minding his own business and there was this look of pleasure and calm limning his visage. Birds were singing and all was right with the world.
Suddenly in walks this GORGEOUS and AWESOME Indian woman. She had this iffy pink top on as well as this dark pair of jeans and pink slippers. No make-up, nothing. Beautiful eyes, beautiful hair, wonderful complexion. Simply a sight for sore eyes. I took one look at her....and then another one. That guy also practically ogled at her and forgot about his tea which he was enjoying so much.
This girl suddenly went and sat at the same table this guy was on. Diagonally opposite him with her back to me. Oh well....
I have always maintained that its fun to look at beautiful women. What's more fun is to look at the guys who are looking at the said beautiful women.
Now suddenly this guy who was enjoying his tea finds a beautiful woman on his table. His enjoyment evaporates. He gets shy, feels insecure about the blue bathroom slippers (tastefully decorated with a Mickey Mouse each) he is wearing and of the thinning hair on his pate. Equally suddenly, half of the world ceases to exist for him (or rather he does not want to acknowledge it). While earlier his vision included the entire 180 degrees in front of him, now suddenly he only does the 45 degrees in which that girl is not visible. Also he starts gulping down the tea he was enjoying so much.
That girl made no attempt at conversation. She just stared straight ahead. Apparently she was waiting for somebody and decided to use the available chair to her advantage.
Poor guy. I saw the difficulty he was in but I am not one to sympathize. I stared at him. He scowled at me. I grinned back in enjoyment. I also cracked a joke about this state of affairs with this buddy of mine in loud and clear Hindi.
He finished off his tea, put on his slippers and moved away. Both me and my buddy watched him go. If looks could kill, he would have murdered me....