Thursday, January 08, 2009

The lost art of blogging

Once in a while in the life of a blogger facing a mountainous writer's block, comes an existential question. 

Why do I blog?

That's the one facing me right now.  I am not a professional book reviewer. I do not watch many movies so I cannot fill my blog with reviews like I have been donig in the past. 
There's much I'd like to write about the burning issues of the day but I am neither in India nor am I a qualified observer therefore my take on situations is going to be biased and hopelessly out of context. Who cares anyway....

This blog started out as (if I may grandiosly call that) a celebration of life. Not the big things but the small ones. Smelling flowers, chasing butterflies, cracking jokes, keeping the tongue firmly in cheek.

I have not stopped seeing all that's funny in everyday life but I have stopped recalling them.

Lets hope I get my funny bone back soon.

Saturday, January 03, 2009

Happy New year

Yeah yeah...
I have not been blogging. Too busy sorting out stuff and trying to put them into well organized dockets but it is difficult to do when your whole life is in the process of turning upside-down.

Last year I had wished everyone a nice, happy but slightly boring year. (The logic being that I had had much more excitement than I could handle and wished for some boredom for a change). This year let me wish everyone LOTS AND LOTS of work.

It would be better to be over-worked than to be idle this year I guess....
