Sunday, July 16, 2006

This and that...

Mum's here.
She came in, took one look at my house and uttered these fateful words, " Kanan, you need a woman".
I was calmly refreshing myself with a big swallow of water. I promptly coughed.
I need not have done that. She only meant a house-maid.
Well, let me state right at the outset that having a "woman" will do me a lot of good. Particularly the live-in kind, but the house-maid she got me has already done me a lot of good in other respects. The house looks spick and span and well organized.
She even got a complete bar-service. My friends (Hetul and Tarun) were thunderstruck when they opened the package. So was I, but to a lesser extent.
God! Its nice to have such cool parents.

1 comment:

Josh said...

CP! u need a WOMAN.