This last weekend I had an appointment with one of my friends here in Singapore. It was early evening. Just the right time to land up in Brewerkz and get a pint going. So I was hurrying off from my apartment to the mrt station.
On the way to the station, there comes a long alley-way. I got in that and at the exact same time in the opposite direction, got in a gorgeous looking Indian girl.
Now there are lots of Indians here in Singapore but out of some freak of nature, very few look any good. Now I feel that Indian women are one of the most beautiful in the world and therefore that is quite a disappointment.
What was not a disappointment was this particular girl. Tall, dusky, well dressed, slim. Smashing combination.
Now I am 'seedha-saadha' guy. Here I am in this long alley way. Here is the girl in the long alley way coming from the opposite end. No one else in sight. She is beautiful. My spectacles are the right power. I proceeded to pay her a compliment by looking at her quite appreciatively.
We walk towards each other
I look at her
She looks back
Our eyes meet
I smile
She smiles
We come closer
Suddenly the penny drops and I realize that the particular jitter issue I had been seeing in the newest silicon could be due to missing de-cap! (Cannot get into too many specifics here)
My expression suddenly changes from a complacent welcoming smile to one of "Eureka!!!". The only thing I did not do was say out loud, "OHHHH!!!!"
Her expression suddenly changes from a modest 'come-hither' to one of shock. She took me for a freak, quickened her steps and started looking this way and that for possible help.
I forgot about Brewerkz, landed up at work and figured that I was right!
She went her way and probably breathed a sigh of relief once I was out her sight.
People at work were extremely delighted both by the theory and how it came about.
My boss very nicely offered to finance my trips to Little India. He figured staring at Indian women gives me million dollar ideas...
Oh well....this is probably the first time a chip has been debugged by looking at girls. I think I should do it more often....
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Saturday, March 15, 2008
Seven things no one wants to know...
I have been tagged by this crazy girl in Bangalore. (eee tag-phag ka howat hai bhaiyya???)
Anyway the deal is that I have to list down seven random (but sufficiently interesting) things about me. Here goes:
1. I am addicted to books. Cannot live without them. For other people home is where they hang their hats. For me home is where I keep my books.
2. I love reading about the Second World War. Most of it is boring but the Eastern Front has this insane attraction for me. I have read everything about it I could lay hands on, watched every movie I could find and I keep dreaming about visiting the places where all the carnage happened. Uncharitable souls have commented that I love reading about it because of the scenes of widespread cruelty to women and children that are manifest in accounts of that action. I thought about it and for a while I got pretty scared about that analysis. Then I realized that that could not be true because the battle I most love to read about is the Battle of Stalingrad. For all the cruelty, this action was fought by professional armies who to an extent respected the laws of war. I guess its the nihilism of the entire episode that attracts me. Ashes to ashes. Dust to dust. (More about that in another post I guess)
3. I take people for granted left right and centre. But on the other hand I value my relationships immensely. I would do absolutely anything for my close ones. That includes family as well as friends. People sometimes go out of their way to help me. It is a source of continual wonder to me and makes me very humble and proud to have such friends....
4. I love taking trips. I love slumming it out. The best trip to me would be to a jungle. To get to it I would hitch-hike rides. When I get there I would sleep under a tree. I hate big cities. I feel Man-kind would have been better off not coming down from the trees in the first place.
5. I listen to bands in relays. One month its ACDC and ACDC only. The next month it will be only Aerosmith. Now I am listening to the "Foo Fighters"
6. I am extremely casual about money. I cannot stand people for whom its the sole and ultimate aim. (Their approach to life is not wrong. Its just very different from mine). I hate questions about how much I earn. I don't ask them. I hate answering them.
7. While I was in Bangalore, one evening, I very seriously considered throwing it all away and joining a Buddhist Monastery in the Himalayas. I am not that crazy (or stressed out) now. But I ABSOLUTELY LOVE the Himalayas. I should. I am named after them.
I am not going to tag anyone in return but yes people in my blog-roll, go ahead and see if you can part with such random secrets. This is fun to do.
Anyway the deal is that I have to list down seven random (but sufficiently interesting) things about me. Here goes:
1. I am addicted to books. Cannot live without them. For other people home is where they hang their hats. For me home is where I keep my books.
2. I love reading about the Second World War. Most of it is boring but the Eastern Front has this insane attraction for me. I have read everything about it I could lay hands on, watched every movie I could find and I keep dreaming about visiting the places where all the carnage happened. Uncharitable souls have commented that I love reading about it because of the scenes of widespread cruelty to women and children that are manifest in accounts of that action. I thought about it and for a while I got pretty scared about that analysis. Then I realized that that could not be true because the battle I most love to read about is the Battle of Stalingrad. For all the cruelty, this action was fought by professional armies who to an extent respected the laws of war. I guess its the nihilism of the entire episode that attracts me. Ashes to ashes. Dust to dust. (More about that in another post I guess)
3. I take people for granted left right and centre. But on the other hand I value my relationships immensely. I would do absolutely anything for my close ones. That includes family as well as friends. People sometimes go out of their way to help me. It is a source of continual wonder to me and makes me very humble and proud to have such friends....
4. I love taking trips. I love slumming it out. The best trip to me would be to a jungle. To get to it I would hitch-hike rides. When I get there I would sleep under a tree. I hate big cities. I feel Man-kind would have been better off not coming down from the trees in the first place.
5. I listen to bands in relays. One month its ACDC and ACDC only. The next month it will be only Aerosmith. Now I am listening to the "Foo Fighters"
6. I am extremely casual about money. I cannot stand people for whom its the sole and ultimate aim. (Their approach to life is not wrong. Its just very different from mine). I hate questions about how much I earn. I don't ask them. I hate answering them.
7. While I was in Bangalore, one evening, I very seriously considered throwing it all away and joining a Buddhist Monastery in the Himalayas. I am not that crazy (or stressed out) now. But I ABSOLUTELY LOVE the Himalayas. I should. I am named after them.
I am not going to tag anyone in return but yes people in my blog-roll, go ahead and see if you can part with such random secrets. This is fun to do.
Monday, March 10, 2008
Reminiscing while down with 'flu
I have 'flu.
Anyway, while in bed, I recall the GLORIOUS week I spent in Malaysia with a few of my old and new buddies. We went all over the place. Johor, Kuala Lampur, Penang, Kuala Lampur again, Taiping, Penang again and then finally I made my weary way back to Singapore
all by myself while my ex-boss got on with work in Penang.
A few interesting things I did in Malaysia
1. I realized that "Kanan" in Malay actually means "right". Now finally I met some sensible people who know that I am ALWAYS right!
(This says that the toll booth is on the right)
2. I had a full body massage along with an Irishman. The lady who massaged me was this cute Chinese girl. Pretty, lithe, slim. I wondered what she will be able to do and told her patronizingly to give her best. When she got started, I was knocked out. She packed some punch!
3. We went to the Sepang racing circuit. Missed a training race by twenty minutes.
4. We slept in a hotel which looked out on the Penang bay. Beautiful view from the 32nd floor
5. I bought a soft-toy in a KL mall. Its a giraffe with a very amused, bemused and innocent face. It sits on my desk and reminds me of my expression while I debug circuits....
6. We sampled Malay food. What I get in Singapore is sawdust compared to that.
7. I took at walk in the dead of the night and went to look at the Petronas Towers. One picture is etched in my mind. The Petronas towers visible in the sky, hookers soliciting just below them.
8. Took endless walks in KL and Penang. KL is a mess. Noisy, busy, crowded. Penang is an oasis in comparison. Colonial buildings, quiet, cheap.
9 Drove endlessly all over the Malay Peninsula
10. Walked from Malaysia to Singapore. Malaysian check-point was neat and tidy. Singaporean check-point was a mess.
Now I need a tissue...
Anyway, while in bed, I recall the GLORIOUS week I spent in Malaysia with a few of my old and new buddies. We went all over the place. Johor, Kuala Lampur, Penang, Kuala Lampur again, Taiping, Penang again and then finally I made my weary way back to Singapore
all by myself while my ex-boss got on with work in Penang.
A few interesting things I did in Malaysia
1. I realized that "Kanan" in Malay actually means "right". Now finally I met some sensible people who know that I am ALWAYS right!

2. I had a full body massage along with an Irishman. The lady who massaged me was this cute Chinese girl. Pretty, lithe, slim. I wondered what she will be able to do and told her patronizingly to give her best. When she got started, I was knocked out. She packed some punch!
3. We went to the Sepang racing circuit. Missed a training race by twenty minutes.
4. We slept in a hotel which looked out on the Penang bay. Beautiful view from the 32nd floor
5. I bought a soft-toy in a KL mall. Its a giraffe with a very amused, bemused and innocent face. It sits on my desk and reminds me of my expression while I debug circuits....
6. We sampled Malay food. What I get in Singapore is sawdust compared to that.
7. I took at walk in the dead of the night and went to look at the Petronas Towers. One picture is etched in my mind. The Petronas towers visible in the sky, hookers soliciting just below them.
8. Took endless walks in KL and Penang. KL is a mess. Noisy, busy, crowded. Penang is an oasis in comparison. Colonial buildings, quiet, cheap.
9 Drove endlessly all over the Malay Peninsula
10. Walked from Malaysia to Singapore. Malaysian check-point was neat and tidy. Singaporean check-point was a mess.
Now I need a tissue...
Sunday, March 02, 2008
A few things...
This is regarding the post here
Viski says that hormones decide the mood.
I agree. I definitely feel great after listening to rock music... The music gets my adrenaline pumping.
After a hard day at work, I might come as tired and beaten up as what have you, but all I do is have my dinner, have a hot leisurely shower and then go for a walk. During the walk, I drown myself in the beats of ACDC or Rammstein or (these days) G'nR.
However low I might be feeling at the beginning, fifteen minutes of "rock-therapy" leaves me feeling energized again. I start feeling (again) that I am still young and there are still quite a few things I can do and the daily frustrations and difficulties run off my back "like Duck's water" (This is a quote from Biswas-Babu in "A Suitable Boy").
In the worst phases of my life, I have come to realize in hind-sight, that I felt so bad because I did not take time out for my daily 1 hour of therapy.
Its funny how you grow up and the music you listen to grows up with you.
I started off with Michael Jackson at school. I used to listen to "Smooth Criminal" when I was twelve (I never got the lyrics though....just followed the beats then).
Around 10th standard, I graduated to Bryan Adams.
In 11th and 12th I hardly listened to anything. I was to busy studying for JEE.
In college I got introduced to G'nR and Pink Floyd and other assorted rock bands by my crazy wing-mates. Whenever I listen to "Freebird" now I am always reminded of Tompha jamming on his guitar in the Netaji Auditorium. He was a very shy, taciturn and self-effacing guy but when he started playing his guitar, everyone stopped and listened.
In Bangalore I got introduced to "Purple Haze" (blessed blessed place!!!) and slowly the music I listened to became "harder". These days I listen to ACDC and Rammstein.
Someday I think I will finally start liking Megadeth at this rate.....
The other funny thing is how I came full circle in the understanding-lyrics department. I never understood a word of "Smooth Criminal" at school. After all these years now I don't understand a word in the lyrics of "Rammstein". Don't think I am going to bother about learning German for that.....
Vivek came over to Singapore today. He was passing by on his way to LA and had a few hour's lay-over. He gave me and Dubey a ping and we both trooped over to Changi to hug each other and laugh.
Here are the three of us (Me, Dubey and Vivek) sitting over Coffee in Terminal 3 of Changi.

I know I know.... I need a shave and a haircut and some sleep.....
It was nice to know that irrespective of time and distances, some friendships last. It was nice to laugh like a banshee for the first time in Singapore....
Finally, Viski says, "Digressing a bit, man is like a digital inverter, yes or no is what he knows. Where as a woman is like a carefully biased 10-stage rail-to-rail (you know the moods swings dontchya?) opamp. You know there is something wrong but can't figure out straight away which stage screwed up!"
Viski? In the interest of leading a simple uncomplicated life....are you suggesting we all turn gay????? ;)
Viski says that hormones decide the mood.
I agree. I definitely feel great after listening to rock music... The music gets my adrenaline pumping.
After a hard day at work, I might come as tired and beaten up as what have you, but all I do is have my dinner, have a hot leisurely shower and then go for a walk. During the walk, I drown myself in the beats of ACDC or Rammstein or (these days) G'nR.
However low I might be feeling at the beginning, fifteen minutes of "rock-therapy" leaves me feeling energized again. I start feeling (again) that I am still young and there are still quite a few things I can do and the daily frustrations and difficulties run off my back "like Duck's water" (This is a quote from Biswas-Babu in "A Suitable Boy").
In the worst phases of my life, I have come to realize in hind-sight, that I felt so bad because I did not take time out for my daily 1 hour of therapy.
Its funny how you grow up and the music you listen to grows up with you.
I started off with Michael Jackson at school. I used to listen to "Smooth Criminal" when I was twelve (I never got the lyrics though....just followed the beats then).
Around 10th standard, I graduated to Bryan Adams.
In 11th and 12th I hardly listened to anything. I was to busy studying for JEE.
In college I got introduced to G'nR and Pink Floyd and other assorted rock bands by my crazy wing-mates. Whenever I listen to "Freebird" now I am always reminded of Tompha jamming on his guitar in the Netaji Auditorium. He was a very shy, taciturn and self-effacing guy but when he started playing his guitar, everyone stopped and listened.
In Bangalore I got introduced to "Purple Haze" (blessed blessed place!!!) and slowly the music I listened to became "harder". These days I listen to ACDC and Rammstein.
Someday I think I will finally start liking Megadeth at this rate.....
The other funny thing is how I came full circle in the understanding-lyrics department. I never understood a word of "Smooth Criminal" at school. After all these years now I don't understand a word in the lyrics of "Rammstein". Don't think I am going to bother about learning German for that.....
Vivek came over to Singapore today. He was passing by on his way to LA and had a few hour's lay-over. He gave me and Dubey a ping and we both trooped over to Changi to hug each other and laugh.
Here are the three of us (Me, Dubey and Vivek) sitting over Coffee in Terminal 3 of Changi.

I know I know.... I need a shave and a haircut and some sleep.....
It was nice to know that irrespective of time and distances, some friendships last. It was nice to laugh like a banshee for the first time in Singapore....
Finally, Viski says, "Digressing a bit, man is like a digital inverter, yes or no is what he knows. Where as a woman is like a carefully biased 10-stage rail-to-rail (you know the moods swings dontchya?) opamp. You know there is something wrong but can't figure out straight away which stage screwed up!"
Viski? In the interest of leading a simple uncomplicated life....are you suggesting we all turn gay????? ;)
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